Serenade ASO
Serenade® ASO fungicide is a powerful tool designed to protect against the effects of soil and foliar bacterial and fungal diseases. Applied at planting or through chemigation, Serenade ASO quickly builds a disease-protection zone around the seed or transplant. Applied as a foliar spray, Serenade ASO protects crops against diseases; both applications result in higher yields. OMRI listed.
The active ingredient in Serenade ASO fungicide, Bacillus subtilis strain QST 713, is a beneficial soil bacterium. A master of root colonization, B. subtilis strain QST 713, as formulated in the Serenade ASO fungicide, can quickly build a dense biofilm on plant roots. The biofilm acts as a protective barrier, shielding roots from diseases in the soil. The beneficial bacteria in Serenade ASO produce fungicidal and antibacterial metabolites that are present in the product when applied and can be produced in the soil during root colonization.